Here are the ChMS products that I'm trying (and failing!) to keep up with. Anybody have any others that should be on a "watch" list? Is anyone else actively watching these or any others?
ACS Technologies
Blackbaud (added 3/30/2006)
BrickRiver (This seems to be a resource for a few UMC conferences)
ChuMMS (A code name for a product to be announced in April 2007)
Church Community Builder
Connection Power
Fellowship ONE
Icon CMO
iMIS from Advanced Solutions (added 1/23/2007)
MemberConnect (added 12/30/2005)
People Driven Software
RDS Advantage
Roll Call (added 6/19/2006)
ServantKeeper (added 3/30/2006)
Shelby Systems
Web-Empowered Church
Although not a ChMS, I'm anxiously waiting to hear more about 37Signal's Sunrise CRM. It just may have a lot of what I'm looking for in a CRM.
I'm also still holding out a little hope that someone will jump onto Microsoft's CRM and build a church-oriented package. Of course, the cost of entry would be pretty steep. Update: see PacMan
And I've started a conversation at
It would be great to have you join the conversation.
Posted by: Steve McAtee | September 25, 2007 at 02:11 PM
Thanks Steve, I've added your blog to my reader.
Posted by: Tony Dye | September 26, 2007 at 10:58 AM